tip of the day: camouflage
apa itu camouflage? beberapa definisinya antara lain:
"Camouflage is the method which allows an otherwise visible organism or object to remain indiscernible from the surrounding environment. Camouflage is a form of deception."
"A way of hiding by blending in with the surrounding environment."
"The act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance."
lebih lanjut boleh baca2 sendiri disini:
implementasinya: dg tombol print-screen, kamu bisa bikin wallpaper yg lucu2 kayak beberapa sample di bawah ini.
wallpaper buat mbak mbak sekretaris:

wallpapernya animator (tukang flash):

wallpaper ala web master:

tapi jangan bikin wallpaper kayak gini, salah.

gunanya: kamu bisa tetep keliatan sibuk walopun sebetulnya cuman ngaplo, otak lagi tolol setolol tololnya gara2 kekurangan nutrisi. tapi tentu saja, sama sekali nggak disarankan pake wallpaper macem gini untuk tempo yg lama, sebaiknya segera ke apotek beli ginko biloba.
have a nice day :)
"Camouflage is the method which allows an otherwise visible organism or object to remain indiscernible from the surrounding environment. Camouflage is a form of deception."
"A way of hiding by blending in with the surrounding environment."
"The act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance."
lebih lanjut boleh baca2 sendiri disini:
implementasinya: dg tombol print-screen, kamu bisa bikin wallpaper yg lucu2 kayak beberapa sample di bawah ini.
wallpaper buat mbak mbak sekretaris:

wallpapernya animator (tukang flash):

wallpaper ala web master:

tapi jangan bikin wallpaper kayak gini, salah.

gunanya: kamu bisa tetep keliatan sibuk walopun sebetulnya cuman ngaplo, otak lagi tolol setolol tololnya gara2 kekurangan nutrisi. tapi tentu saja, sama sekali nggak disarankan pake wallpaper macem gini untuk tempo yg lama, sebaiknya segera ke apotek beli ginko biloba.
have a nice day :)
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 10:21:00 AM
bocah edan... koyo wong sutris wae masang wallpaper koyo ngono mending gambar ce artis po'o koyo dian sastro, cecilia, opo sopo ngono ngga usah ginko2xan...
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:23:00 AM
eh loh mo ikutan bikin wallpaper gambar excel :D
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 12:20:00 PM
eh maap dari sample-nya masih belom jelas yah,
ok teknisnya kayak gini:
- buka word
- buka dokumen kamu yg sudah beres kemaren2
- pencet print screen
- buka photoshop
- pencet Ctrl+N untuk bikin dokumen baru
- pencet Ctrl+V untuk mem-paste hasil print screen
- save as jpg
- jadikan file jpg tadi sbg wallpaper
jika sakit berlanjut, hubungi dokter...
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 12:36:00 PM
waks.. maap, saya cuman manusia bodoh, jd ga gitu ngerti.. :( .. tp idenya buagussssss juga... hm hm hm
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:57:00 PM
Bwahaha.. ini sih dulu sering pake waktu masih di kos-2an: biar gak digangguin anak2 kalo lagi ngegame.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:01:00 PM
bwahahaha, jadi inget ceritamu wkt di pizza hut! ;D
Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:42:00 PM
Podho koyok Po komenku. Idem ditto.
ps. Mi, comsys blogger tetep abot. Salah ngisi capctha pindho pisan. :D
Kapan pindah ke wordpress ?
Gelem mimimama.merdeka.or.id ? :D
Saturday, October 22, 2005 7:05:00 PM
hahahah podo wis karo poy and andry! so kapan kita ke pizza hut lagi lanjut starbucks?
Monday, October 24, 2005 7:54:00 PM
muahdsgahkdgaskd :))
nice nice..
bikin ah wallpaper :D