ten years time

where you gonna be in ten years time?
will you be happy with the way you've been living your life?
will you be alright?
and when you're looking back to now
all the years gone by
will there be something that you say
that you should have done right
in your life
what would you fight for?
for what do you stand?
how will you go about it?
and do you have a masterplan?
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 6:35:00 AM
I have a dream,
a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 2:36:00 PM
if you see the wonder...
of a fairy tale
you can take the future
even if you fail.
I believe in angels
something good in everything i see
I believe in angels
when i know the time is right for me
i'll cross the stream
i have a dream...
Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:03:00 PM
Alamak...lama kali menunggu 10 Tahun.
Kalau awak hendak menghitung diri.
Lakukan sekarang saja.
Jangan menunggu esok atau 10 tahun lagi.
Kalo hari ini, lebih baik dari kemarin, ya good lah.
Kalo hari ini, sama dengan kemarin, ya rugi lah.
Kalo hari ini, lebih buruk dari kemarin, ya...ke laut aza, cari inspirasi baru.