Wednesday, June 29, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
iseng. ceritanya hari itu aku bikin kopi, enak. trus ada temen (fulan) ikut ngincipi. "uhmmm... yummy, kopi apa ini?" "doyan? besok tak bawa'in wes...;)" "thx!" nah, besoknya... aku mbawa 2 sachet kopi. "ini kopi X, yg kamu incipi kemaren" "tapi ini aku juga punya kopi Y" "kamu mau yg mana?" "eee... wes X ae lah, yg kemaren, bener enak sih hihihi" konservatif. si fulan pilih kopi X yg bener udah terbukti enak. tapi dia kan nggak tau kopi Y rasanya kayak gimana. bisa jadi Y lebih enak (walopun mungkin juga kalah enak) di situasi seperti itu, kira2 kamu milih sachet kopi yg mana? kenapa? Labels: life
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quote of the day
by Eddy Fahmi
Stop penyalahgunaan dan kejahatan Narkoba sekarang. Mari kita selamatkan dan bangun bangsa kita, menjadi bangsa yang sehat, cerdas dan maju. --Presiden RI. Labels: quote
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by Eddy Fahmi
I want a little something more Don't want the middle or the one before I don't desire a complicated past I want a love that will last
Say that you love me Say I'm the one Don't kiss and hug me and then try to run I don't do drama, my tears don't fall fast I want a love that will last
I don't want a just a memory Give me forever Don't even think about saying good-bye Cuz I just want one love to be enough And remain in my heart till I die
So call me romantic Oh I guess that's so There's something more that you oughta know I'll never leave you, so don't even ask I want a love that will last
Forever I want a love that will lastwhaaaaaaaaa.........! Labels: music
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sport vs politik
Tuesday, June 28, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
sejak GP monaco kemaren ferrari punya mainan baru di dalem garasinya, barangnya kayak gini:  hasilnya, ferrari udah berhasil ngejar performance untuk 1 lap kualifikasi hari sabtu. konsekuensinya, banyak kompetitor yg iri (terutama mereka yg terlibat kasus boikot di indianapolis kemaren). hmmm hmmm hmmm... menurut beberapa tim michelin, piranti pemanas ban ferrari ini bukan blanket, tapi oven. n dinilai ilegal, melanggar pasal 75 ayat f undang undang dasar balapan formula one. 75) f) The only permitted type of tyre heating devices are blankets which use resistive heating elements. (Article 75F, 2005 F1 Sporting Regulations) ferrari curang? ternyata nggak juga, melanggar aturan apa? yg bikin aturan kan FIA, kata FIA barang ferrari itu nggak menyalahi aturan kok. The FIA says the Maranello based champion's controversial tyre heating 'box' does not contravene the rules. FIA technical delegate Charlie Whiting has allowed the scarlet painted boxes to be used because their internals are the same as a blanket. ( heheheee... panasss! Labels: automotive, sport
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Monday, June 27, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
galaxy mall nggak asik! biasanya ya, kalo pulang lewat kertajaya, dari perempatan koni situ ke arah utara bisa flat-out sampek kampus C unair. dapet lari 110-an sebelom ngerem ciiittt ...balik kanan (footstep nggasruk). tapi gara2 proyek di lahan utara galaxy mall itu, lokasi parkiran motor n mobil dipindah ke barat, nyebrang jalan utama. artinya: ada 2 jalur zebra-cross di depan galaxy mall (dg traffic penyeberang lumayan rame). tambah lagi kalo sore mesti banyak angkot kuning yg ngetem disitu. plus motor2 penjemput mbak2 pegawai toko galaxy mall. wes... pokok'e rame lah, crowded. apalagi sebelom zebra-cross itu kan ada belokan dikit ke kanan (pas di jembatan), jadi semacam adrenaline-pumping-high-speed-blind-corner kayak eau rouge-nya spa-fracorchamps (wuehhh hiperbola pol yo?). jadi macet disitu, 20-an kmh, kalopun bener kosong pun paling cuman berani lari 40. mbencekno. heheee... sempat mikir kalo misalnya dapet nabrak salah satu penyeberang dapet point kah? ato kalo dapet nabrak satpamnya galaxy mall malah dapet bonus 20 points? blink blink... :Djadi, sebenernya parkiran utara galaxy mall itu mau dibangun apa seh? ada yg tau? (kalo aku yg punya proyek, aku mikir hotel bintang 5 ato apartemen disitu)Labels: life
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Sunday, June 26, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
funny gadget? weird stuff? go check 'em out... (ada RSS feed-nya juga lo ndry, monggo...)Labels: internet
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Gauloises Dutch TT
by Eddy Fahmi
 - Dutch TT, “University of motorcycle racing” - sejarahnya, lintasan dutch tt panjangnya 28 kilometer, trek balap jalanan - trek assen sangat panjang tapi sedikit trek lurus, banyak tikungan melengkung2 - 1 lap = 6.049 meter - 9 tikungan ke kiri, 14 kanan, lebar lintasan kurang lebih 10 meter - trek lurus terpanjang 970 meter - di trek macem gini, pembalap agresif yg bisa menang - paket kawasaki lebih stabil n lincah dibanding tenaga kudanya ducati - biaggi kena denda 6000 dollar gara2 manuver berbahaya waktu latihan - hehee mungkin dia bisa cocok temenan ama montoya - minggu pagi hujan, temperatur lintasan 30 derajat celcius I like it because it's a very difficult and technical circuit. Assen is narrow and you have to be very precise, a circuit where you need a lot of physical strength, especially in your arms as you are off the throttle often at Assen. Assen has no uphill or downhill sections, but it does have a cambered surface that you have to cross, which makes precision vital. The track it has no real straight line there's off-camber bends, so you need to be precise in your riding, because you're not going straight at any point. --Alexandre Barros, Camel Honda.  - 3 pembalap michelin start di front row - tapi beda strategi, gauloises yamaha pake medium front hard rear, movistar honda medium front medium rear - kawasaki, shinya nakano start di pos.4 - ducati, loris capirossi start di pos.7 - start bagus dari melandri n hayden - penampilan melandri konsisten, sayang cuman mampu bertahan 10 lap di depan - walopun 9 lap berikutnya nggak tertinggal jauh di pos.2 - finish, edwards naik podium, nambah gap yamaha dg honda di klasemen konstruktor - gibernau finish pos.5, dikalahkan hayden (pos.4) hahahaaahhh! - kawasaki, nakano finish pos.8 - ducati, checa n capirossi finish pos.9 n 10, poor - di finish, gap antara motor michelin n non michelin 26 detik! - beda performance selama race kurang lebih 1.4 detik per lap-nya, wow - konica minolta honda, kostum batman yg dipake tamada ternyata jelek - di-shot kamera cuman beberapa detik sebelum warm up lap - bagusan spiderman yg dulu dipake... sapa? melandri kah? lupa Today was a very hard battle. Marco was very fast, this was the first time he's been so strong. I lost time in the first laps because I wasn't aggressive enough and then it was difficult to find a rhythm because the track had changed after the rain. I rode some good laps but Marco attacked again, so I had to concentrate very much to ride a perfect final few laps. --Valentino Rossi, Gauloises Yamaha. halah gombal rosss... sok merendahkan diri meninggikan mutu :p Labels: automotive, sport
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Saturday, June 25, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
 things just don't get pretty well as planned, sometimes... ugh :( (so where's the panic button when i need one?)Labels: absurd, life
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happy birthday
Friday, June 24, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
happy birthday happy birthday irmabuat sapa aja yg hari ini tanggal 24 juni ulang taun, happy birthday! :D Labels: life
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by Eddy Fahmi
All alone, staring on Watching her life go by When her days are grey And her nights are black Different shades of mundane And the one eyed furry toy That lies upon the bed Has often heard her cry And heard her whisper out a name Long forgiven, but not forgotten
You're forgiven not forgotten... huhuhuuu tengah malem sendirian ndengerin lagu2 lembut macem gini mellow yellow i miss irma... oh i miss ... *dammit! i missed the deadline already???*Labels: music
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quote of the day
Thursday, June 23, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary. --John Keating, Dead Poets Society. Labels: quote
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masih tentang kasus gp amerika kemaren
Wednesday, June 22, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
131) The starting grid will be published four hours before the race. Any competitor whose car(s) is (are) unable to start for any reason whatsoever (or who has good reason to believe that their car(s) will not be ready to start) must inform the stewards accordingly at the earliest opportunity and, in any event, no later than 45 minutes before the start of the race. If one or more cars are withdrawn the grid will be closed up accordingly. The final starting grid will be published 45 minutes before the start of the race.
(Article 131, 2005 F1 Sporting Regulations) hmmm hmmm hmmm... kayaknya besok bakal rame tuh di pengadilan. soalnya dlm tempo 45 menit itu, nggak ada wakil dari tim2 yg pake ban michelin lapor ke charlie whiting tentang rencana mundur dari lomba. bahkan formation lap-nya pun komplit 20 mobil. artinya: secara legal gp amerika diikuti oleh 20 kontestan. artinya: bakal ada denda besar besaran buat mereka. fyi: setelah kejadian hari minggu itu, hari senen-nya saham michelin drop 1.3% di dow jones. Labels: automotive, sport
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alien abduction?
by Eddy Fahmi
he desember kemaren surabaya puanass nasss!! lha sekarang bulan juni kok tiap hari ujan deres ya? harusnya kan desember musim ujan, juni musim panas. kalian nggak ngerasa pernah ngalami sesuatu yg ganjil? kalian yakin kota surabaya ini masih ada di planet bumi? jangan2 planet kita ngalami teleportasi, n sekarang ngorbit di salah satu tata surya pegasus? wes mbuh kah... ancen aku kurang turu mambengi :(Labels: absurd
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by Eddy Fahmi
he di kantorku ada 1 orang temen, lucu! tak perhatiin seharian 'umek' tok ae, entah apa yg dikerjakan... jalan mondar mandir, ngeliatin monitornya orang, pura2 mikir, grmbl grmbl sendiri... act busy. nah waktu kita lagi tenang2nya kerja, tau2 dia nanya2 yg aneh2. orang yg ditanya'i juga jadi super longor gara2 pertanyaan salah alamat. temen lucu: mas copywriter, tau nggak dimana FO yg bagus tapi murah? copywriter: ha? (*ngempet ngakak!* pasti tu copywriter otaknya langsung blank)beberapa saat kemudian, temen lucu: mas animator, punya installernya cool edit? animator: ada, di s*****pro temen lucu: eee... ada crack-crackannya juga? animator: ya ada lah, cari'ono disek tah. temen lucu: oh, tapi file-nya yg mana? kan banyak. animator: heh, kamu desainer kan? buat apa cool edit? animator: i'm busy anyway! temen lucu: uhmmm... belom juga jam 10 pagi, temen lucu: mas web developer, bisa minta tolong sebentar? web developer: opo? temen lucu: photoshopku error web developer: error opo maneh? temen lucu: nggak tau, tau tau nggak bisa dipake temen lucu: padahal nggak tak apa apain lho web developer: heh? yo nggak mungkin lah... web developer: kon iku onok onok ae (situasinya: belom ada 2 minggu komputernya makhluk lucu ini direformat, clean install windows n photoshop)ah tapi yg bikin kasian liat makhluk ini gaya hidupnya yg OKB itu. snob, he buys eye-candies on impulse... poor boy.Labels: life
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
 namanya depot pangestulokasinya kya kya menunya nasi goreng, mi goreng, koloke, fu yung hai, etc n ternyata rasanya super asin servisnya nggak profesonal masak take order aja sampek ganti orang? (2 2-nya bingung pula hihihi) nunggu makanannya lama minuman yg sama persis nongolnya nggak barengan Labels: food
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Monday, June 20, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
6 cars on track: 2 ferraris, 2 jordans, and both minardis??? wooo... (US GP 2005, a race to remember)Labels: automotive, sport
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Friday, June 17, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
Indianapolis represents a real challenge because tyres have to cope with sustained heat build-up for more than 20 seconds as cars negotiate the season's longest flat-out section, which incorporates the banking and the pit straight. In addition, they also need to generate sufficient grip to maximise traction on the tight infield. --Pierre Dupasquier, Michelin motorsport director. jadi, softer ato harder compound? Labels: automotive, sport
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radio log
Wednesday, June 15, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
[Ron Dennis, Team Principle] – Phil, we are within the phase for Juan to make his initial stop. [Phil Prew, Montoya's Race Engineer] – Um, OK. (changes channel) Juan, this is Phil. Execute stop on this lap. Confirm. [Juan Pablo Montoya] – OK Phil. [PP] (to RD) - He's coming in. [PP] - Fisichella's coming in as well. [RD] - We must ensure that Juan Pablo reacquires the track with locational advantage over the Renaults. [PP] - Say again? [RD] - Connect me to Juan's primary communication channel (brief click) Juan? [PP] - Refuelling complete. He's clear of the box, pit lane speed limiter working. [RD] - Juan, we've analysed the current perambulation of Alonso and there is a useful likelihood of your regaining the circuit with a suitably advantageous station. [JPM] - What? [RD] - Providing there is not an unforeseen augmentation to Alonso's rapidity, you ought to attain a positional benefit. [JPM] What? [RD] – If these optimum conditions prevail, your current point of locality will be obliged to performance of an upgrade to positioning plus. [JPM] What? Ack - rafaga... (unintelligible noises and grunts) [PP] He's off the track! He's off the track! [JPM] - Dammit Ron! You confused me with Ronspeak™ and now I've run wide on the pit lane exit! [RD] – What? (crackle, leading to signal interrupt and white noise...) [Phil Prew, Montoya's Race Engineer] – Button's hit the wall in the final corner! [Ron Dennis, Team Principle] – Phil, what is the probability of a Safety Car deployment period? [PP] - Uhhmm, Charlie (Whiting)'s having a look… [RD] – Necessity stipulates that we ensure adequate provision for both drivers to entertain their secondary cessation. [PP] – What? [RD] – Please impart the most contemporary location data for Juan Pablo. [PP] - What? [RD] – I require immediate confirmation of Juan's current situational status. [PP] – What? [Mark Slade, Raikkonen's Race Engineer] – He wants to know where Juan is on the track. [PP] – Why didn't he just…? (impatient noise) Fine. He's… dammit, he's just passed the pit entrance – and the Safety Car's out! [RD] – Unfortunate. Juan Pablo will now have to undertake an additional perambulation of the circuit's full perimeter. [PP] - What? [RD] (turning) Mark, please make Kimi aware of the immediate expectations of his secondary stipulated cessation. [MS] What? Dan ini pitstop kedua, lap 49: [PP] – Montoya's in the pit lane now. Blast it, we've really screwed this up. [RD] – Negative. Juan's predilection for swift actionable motion should still result in McLaren finishing first and second (to himself) just with Kimi leading across the line… (louder) please reconnect me to Juan's foremost channel. [PP] – What? After last time? I don't think… (feed cuts off with a channel changing `click') [RD] – Juan, you are required to egress your pit-box with all alacrity. [Juan Pablo Montoya] - What? [RD] – It is essential that you re-attain the track at a velocity measurable with your contemporaries. [JPM] - What? [RD] – I suggest that a rapier-like momentum be employed without tardiness. [JPM] - What? (sounds of a scuffle) [PP] – Go Juan, go! (more scuffling noises, coupled with what sounds like somebody shouting about a light) [RD] – Juan, you must not tolerate any supplementary vacillation to your positional endeavouring. [JPM] - What? [PP] – The Safety Car! The pit lane red light was on! (pause) [JPM] - Dammit Ron! You confused me with Ronspeak™ and now I've jumped the red light and nearly taken out Coulthard! [RD] – Only nearly? heheheee... (dapet ngutip dari milis F1Indonesia)Labels: automotive, joke, sport
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
Dr. Otto Octavius: If you want to get a woman to fall in love with you, feed her poetry. Peter Parker: Poetry? Dr. Otto Octavius: Never fails. Labels: movie, quote
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Monday, June 13, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
BLACK FLAG FOR MONTOYA! BLACK FLAG FOR MONTOYA! BLACK FLAG FOR MONTOYA! BLACK FLAG FOR MONTOYA! BLACK FLAG FOR MONTOYA! BLACK FLAG FOR MONTOYA! BLACK FLAG FOR MONTOYA! BLACK FLAG FOR MONTOYA! BLACK FLAG FOR MONTOYA!nice :Dthe race was oh sooooooooo great! eventful. starting grid was a surprise. race position was simply random. cars hit the walls. there was also a safety car period (to made it more random). and off course, the black flag ahahahaaa... :)) it was a great start from both renault drivers. from third and fourth on the grid, they secured one two before the first corner. on the other hand, schumacher started the race bad. from second on the grid, he was dropped 4 places to 6. he spun the wheels. bridgestone issue? no i think it was traction control or something. el loco. montoya was dangerous. crazy. he pushed schumi to the grass on the second corner. lucky, schumi was wise enough not to bang the wheels to this lunatic. on the pit exit, again montoya played it dangerous. the team gave him a good racing strategy, sent him in for pit at the perfect time. he should have leapfrogged alonso in the pit. but hey... he overshot his car on the pit exit. clumsy. how fast can you really run on the exit anyway? LOL! wait wait, that's not the best part yet. during the safety car period, he pitted again. unfortunately, he didn't pay attention to the light at the end of pit straight. it was red. which means no drivers are allowed to exit the pit lane while it was red. on the race track, again he pushed the overlapped coulthard, funny eh? :D he didn't have to do it. queuing in front of or behind coulthard made no difference. coulthard was "overlapped". montoya deserved a black flag. in formula one, montoya is a big joke. i have no idea why mclaren recruited him as a driver. the wall of champions. jenson button did not finish the race (DNF). but hey, he hit the wall of champions! will he be a champion someday? heheheee... fernando alonso also hit a wall, just like narain karthikeyan. but they hit the wrong wall. it was not the wall of champions. don't dream to be a champion guys, you picked the wrong wall :p luck factor. started from pit lane, finished on podium. things can't get any better for barrichello. he performed very solid, just like team mate schumacher, pushed very hard, very fast. but it was luck factor which brought both ferrari on podium. but for renault this was a race to forget. alonso and fisichella performed great. but hydrolic problem set fisichella to a halt, n collision with the wall damaged alonso's suspension. it's over flav. Labels: automotive, sport
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by Eddy Fahmi
the spanish grand prix, catalunya. a home race for sete gibernau. sete started the race from pole position, along side him was team mate marco melandri. and to complete the front row, rossi was in third place. but hey... what is start grid for rossi anyway? he always do it bad. rossi never made a good start in his motogp career. he does it on purpose? just to make things more exciting? god knows. watching rossi in motogp reminds me ali in boxing. for them sport is not only sport, but also showbiz. anyway, catalunya was definitely honda's track! yamaha was not really THAT good, it was just rossi factor. 6 hondas versus 1 rossi ...err yamaha in the leading group. they changes places a lot, they run very close. sete eventually touched marco's rear wheel! whooo... where are the other yamaha riders? somewhere in the back of the pack, behind kawasaki or something. tyres issue. catalunya's surface was bad, bad. tyres worn out quickly. see how they slide all they way in the braking zone? bridgestone was the worst tyre supplier. they have to pull alex hofmann and john hopkins in to the pit to change tyres. ducati desmosedici's power was good, but with bridgestone's poor performance, their bikes never had a chance to compete for podium. and yes, valentino was again playing with a race leader (just to make things more exciting?). he was on hard front hard rear. the race leader, sete gibernau was on medium front hard rear. i think valentino can make the pass anywhere in the race, but just sit there right behind sete, watching sete's tyres worn out. just 3 laps before finish valentino made the move. it was clean and easy. it was valentino rossi! :p Labels: automotive, sport
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Sunday, June 12, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
Use these tips and you will learn one-half of how to frustrate your friends and annoy your enemies. Labels: internet
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super hero
by Eddy Fahmi
in the chill of night at the scene of a crime like a streak of light he arrives, just in time!
spiderman... spiderman... friendly neighborhood spiderman wealth and fame? he's ignored action is his reward
look out, there goes the spiderman! heheee so what a super hero really do at night? - serve the public trust? - protect the innocent? - uphold the law? - code the action-script? ...god knows :p Labels: music
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Thursday, June 09, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
nah kalo pas dihadapkan pd pilihan, langsung ae segera diputusi, dhuass! wes ndak perlu banyak mikir pertimbangan2nya, argumen2 pembenaran dari pilihan itu bisa dicari belakangan. adaptasi sbg konsekuensi dari pilihan itu juga diatur nanti lah. go!(xing diatas maksudnya crossing)Labels: life
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Rules of "High Politics" in Indonesia
Tuesday, June 07, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
1. If it's worth fighting for, it's worth fighting dirty for. 2. Don't lie, cheat or steal...unnecessarily. 3. There is always one more son of a bitch than you counted on. 4. An honest answer can get you into a lot of trouble.5. The facts, although interesting, are irrelevant. 6. Chicken little only has to be right once. 7. "NO" is only an interim response.8. You can't kill a bad idea. 9. If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you ever tried. 10. The truth is a variable.11. A porcupine with his quills down in just another fat rodent. 12. You can agree with any concept or notional future option, in principle, but fight implementation every step of the way. 13. A promise is not a guarantee.14. If you can't counter the argument, leave the meeting. (dapet ngutip dari milis marketing_leadership-club)Labels: joke
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by Eddy Fahmi
malem ini langit sepi. iya sih ada noise dikit, tapi nggak penting. sepi. justru sinyal yg ditunggu2 nggak nongol. satelit dodol! wes wes nggak usah komentar, nggak penting kok.Labels: absurd
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all italian podium
Sunday, June 05, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
the trackmugello. one of the fastest, most challenging and most entertaining race tracks in motogp. the circuit layout gives honda and ducati a little advantage. see, bike with more horse power and solid chassis is the winning formula. mugello's fast corners and swerving chicanes are honda's favor. while on the main straight, you can drag a ducati over 340kmh! unfortunately, this is not the track where kawasaki riders can show off their talent. the new big-bang engine doesn't have enough horse power to compete for podium. to run at mugello, set up should be lower front spring, medium to high rear spring, medium front and rear tyre compound, medium braking power, and stiffer rear suspension to compromise acceleration. the raceamazing stunts were performed by motogp riders. like we saw a carbon copy of 125cc race, just powered by a lot more horse power. it was all italian: valentino rossi, max biaggi, marco melandri and loris capirossi who made the italian grand prix very entertaining. they change places a lot. man, i couldn't recall how many overtaking maneuvres performed by these men. but where's sete gibernau anyway? the so called championship contender? heheee... he lost rear grip. he's race was over earlier. compared to team mate marco melandri, sete scored less points. now honda should reconsider who's number one rider? is he gibernau? biaggi? or melandri? Labels: automotive, sport
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quiz iseng :p
by Eddy Fahmi
Part Romantic Kisser | For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea The perfect kiss involves the perfect mood It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet | Part Expert Kisser | You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable |
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Saturday, June 04, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
yow, let's learn some new vocabs. state of the art: a computer you can't afford obsolete: the computer you're using now nanosecond: how long it takes to render state of the art computer obsolete have a nice weekend :)Labels: joke
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quote of the day
Friday, June 03, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
I found this. Some kind of occular device. A vision to see the past? --Benjamin Franklin Gates, National Treasure. Labels: quote
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Wednesday, June 01, 2005 by Eddy Fahmi
punya target apa buat bulan juni ini?
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mimimama, male, surabaya, addicted to velocity, extreme sports, and adrenaline pumping activities, more...
tutup. shoutboxnya dipindah ke rumah sebelah :D