coca cola
Thursday, July 29, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
 he kalian udah cek website coca cola indonesia yg baru? bagus, nggak kalah ama desain website coca cola tahun kemaren yg full flash. desain baru ini lebih banyak html-nya dibanding flash, jadi nggak seberapa berat nge-load-nya. feature2 baru yg cihuy antara lain tambahan game2 flash, wallpaper, screensaver, and yg paling sip tuh streaming iklan tv coca cola ;) btw kalo desain website coca cola indonesia edisi tahun kemaren bisa menang bubu awards, kira2 desain baru ini mampu bertahan nggak yah? Labels: internet
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by Eddy Fahmi
mimi ga boleh ngebut sama mama, mimi ga boleh ngebut sama mama, mimi ga boleh ngebut sama mama, mimi ga boleh ngebut sama mama, mimi ga boleh ngebut sama mama :( ah mama nggak asik :p he, kalian doyan kebut2an di jalan? yah berhubung fahmi sekarang kalo nyetir nggak ngebut (cieee...), ilmu kebut2annya di-share aja ama temen2 di internet. ni fahmi punya tips cihuy buat dipake adu drag dari setopan lampu merah. tapi tips ini bukan untuk keselamatan loh, do it at your own risk. gimana cara start yg kenceng? - matikan ac, kalo mo kebut2an jangan pake ac
- injek kopling
- masuk gigi satu
- tahan kopling sekitar setengah, pokoknya masih 'nyantol'
- injek gas sekitar 6.000 rpm. kalo mobil kamu nggak ada tachometer-nya kurang lebih setengah injekan gitu lah, tahan.
- nanti kalo lampu udah IJO! lepas kopling persis bareng injek gas penuh, flat out.
- selamat menikmati :)
FYI: kalo nahan gas dibawah 6.000 rpm ato start dari kondisi idle, mobil kamu nggak bakal punya cukup tenaga buat akselerasi. sebaliknya kalo terlalu tinggi ban belakang bisa spin, ilang traksi. kalo berminat, besok fahmi share juga teknik nikung pake motor yg miring2 kayak valentino rossi gitu ;) let's smoke tyres, not cigarettesLabels: automotive, howto, sport
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what's new?
Wednesday, July 28, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
Sachet MarketingThinking small in large volumes -- the essence of SACHET MARKETING -- yet never losing brand focus, could open up entirely new markets for many of the worlds B2C and B2B manufacturers and service providers. If your customers are willing but cash strapped, think micro loans, think mini-sizes, think leasing, think bundling, think reselling! It will make you money, AND lay the foundation for brand awareness with future affluent customers. And as the microfinance and Whirlpool examples show, some of the thinking may eventually translate in innovative products for mature markets as well. is life? Can we make it?Is "synthetic biology" on the point of making life? Unlike genetic engineering or biotechnology, the new discipline is not about tinkering with biology but about remaking it. Risks and rewards will be greater than anything yet encountered... just released the second update to Macromedia Flash MX 2004, code-named Ellipsis, which updates Flash MX 2004 to version 7.2. Ellipsis includes more than 120 bug fixes and additions, focused on improvements to the following areas: - Documentation
- Resource usage and performance
- Components
And in addition, Ellipsis includes the following: - A Scrollbar component
- An EventDelegate class
- Two complete sample projects
- ASO Cache Cleaning Commands IOS (Flash Internet Operating System) bagus banget nih. mungkin sekarang belom laku dijual, tapi pengembangannya bisa macem2 and kayaknya bisa 'mahal' ;) Labels: internet
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jawaban kuis tebak meja
by Eddy Fahmi
hey hey makasih banyak buat morning-moon, monski, bhima, orange carrot, linda, fajar, n ulet bulu yg udah respon kuis ancur ini... :D
ternyata jawaban yg bener, meja pertama tu punya standing strong. hehehe gampang banget ditebak yah? trus meja kedua punya mimimama, n yg terakhir punya fill2blank.
trus sapa yg menang? benernya sih kombinasi bener pertama yg kita terima dari morning-moon. sayang dia njawab 2 kali, terpaksa kita anulir jawaban kedua :p curang. jadi yg menang fajaaarrrrr... keplok keplok keplok!
jawaban ulet bulu juga bener, tapi sayang dukun-nya kurang cepet. coba rekrut fajar jadi dukun aja nin, akurat, cepat, didukung riset empiris dan data2 statistik, LOL!
eh faj, hadiahnya kamu minta ama standing strong yah, mimimama ama fill2blank kan nggak gajian :(
*cling* ...ngilang
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kuis tebak meja
Monday, July 26, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
hayo coba tebak, yg mana meja fill 2 blank, meja standing strong, ama meja mimimama?
kombinasi benar pertama dapet hadiaaahhh... mmm... hadiahnya apa ya? hadiahnya nyusul besok tanggal 1 aja abis gajian :D
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Saturday, July 24, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
kemaren ada yg nanya lagi tentang reksadana. daripada ngoceh terus tanpa biaya konsultasi kayaknya mending fahmi tulis disini aja yah, trus nanti kalo ada yg nanya lagi tinggal kasih permanen link kesini aja hehehe :D apa itu reksadana?bahasa linggrisnya mutual fund, ato kalo diterjemahkan ya kurang lebih dana gabungan heheheh. cara kerjanya para investor ngumpulin duit, trus dititipkan ke manajer investasi untuk ditanamkan di instrumen2 investasi di bursa. kayak gimana aturan main di bursa? investor nggak perlu tau, pokoknya titip duit ke manajer investasi aja n nerima laporan perkembangan modalnya udah berapa sekarang. urusan pusing biar si manajer investasi aja :D apa kelebihan reksadana dibanding instrumen investasi lain?reksadana itu gabungan duit para investor, jadi masing2 investor nggak perlu modal banyak untuk invest. bandingkan aja kalo mo invest di obligasi minimal 1 milyar, terjun langsung ke saham harus beli 1 lot, kurang lebih sekitar 25-30 jutaan, deposito minimal 5 juta, kalo di reksadana punya duit 250 ribu udah bisa ikut investasi. selain itu di reksadana kita punya manajer investasi yg ngurusi perkembangan modal, kita nggak perlu tau aturan main bursa, ngikuti perkembangan politik tiap hari, ngawasi kondisi ekonomi negara dsb... semuanya diurus manajer investasi. kita sebagai investor cukup titip modal aja, tau tau udah kaya hahahaaa :)) resiko di pasar saham gede banget, apalagi kita2 yg awan tentang dunia seperti itu wuihh... kalo di reksadana resikonya lebih kecil, tapi keuntungannya lebih gede daripada deposito. tapi jangan lupa walopun resiko kecil, tetep 'ada' lho. macem2 reksadana apa aja?- reksadana saham, modal kita lebih banyak dimainkan di bursa.
- reksadana pendapatan tetap, modal dimainkan di obligasi, surat utang, commercial papers, ato efek2 beragun asset.
- reksadana campuran, gabungan dari 2 diatas.
- reksadana pasar uang, modal dimainkan di valuta asing, deposito berjangka, n sertifikat bank indonesia.
masing2 punya resiko yg berbeda, semakin besar resikonya, hasilnya juga semakin besar. ok, tertarik invest di reksadana, gimana caranya?- cari informasi dulu tentang reksadana, perusahaan manajer investasi, alamat kontaknya. perusahaan manajer investasi sekarang udah pada punya website sendiri2, enak kita bisa belajar banyak dari internet :D
- pilih produk yg cocok, saham resiko gede pendapatan gede, kalo pendapatan tetap resikonya kecil tapi dapetnya juga nggak seberapa banyak.
- bikin kontak ama perusahaan manajer investasi, minta dikirim formulir pembelian n jangan lupa prospektusnya juga. urusan kontak ini bisa via telpon, surat, fax, sampek imel juga. pengalaman fahmi di ciptadana kontak via imel dibales kurang dari 2 jam, transfer duitnya pake atm, formulir penjualan/pembelian di-fax aja.
- beres, kamu jadi investor hahahaaa... :))
- untuk ngikuti perkembangan investasi, kita bisa cek di internet ato koran. biasanya tiap 3 ato 6 bulan sekali juga dikirimi laporan hasil investasi n prospektus ke rumah.
kalo masih kurang jelas, kamu cek beberapa referensi reksadana ini: untuk ngikuti perkembangan nilai aktiva bersih, cek disini: menu reksadana di sebelah kiri bawah) Labels: finance
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What is Dropload?
Friday, July 23, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
 Dropload is a place for you to drop your files off and have them picked up by someone else at a later time. Recipients you specify are sent an email with instructions on how to download the file. Files are removed from the system after 4 days, regardless if they have been picked up or not. You can upload any type of file, mp3, movies, docs, pdfs, up to 100MB each! internet
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a song for mama
Thursday, July 22, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
She* May be the face I can't forget The trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay She may be the song the summer sings May be the chill the autumn brings May be a hundred different things Within the measure of a day
She May be the beauty or the beast May be the famine or the feast May turn each day into a heaven or a hell She may be the mirror of my dreams The smile reflected in a stream She may not be what she may seem inside her shell
She Who always seems so happy in a crowd Whose eyes can be so crowded and so proud No one's allowed to see them when they cry She may be the love that cannot hope to last May come to me from shadows of the past But I'll remember till the day I die
She May be the reason I survive The why and wherefore I'm alive The one I'll care for through the rough in many years Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears And make them all my souvenirs For where she goes I've got to be The meaning of my life is she * she = mama, yay... hehehehhh :D wes wes wes pokoknya melukis-sorga ama fill2blank ga boleh komen!Labels: music
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Anona muricata Linn
by Eddy Fahmi
sekedar share informasi aja tentang manfaat buah n gaya hidup sehat... :D --------------------------- Sirsat ( Anona muricata Linn) berasal dari Amerika Selatan. Tanaman sirsat dalam sistematika tumbuhan (taksonomi) diklasifikasikan sebagai berikut: Kingdom : PlantaeDivisio : SpermatophytaSub Divisio : AngiospermaeClass : DicotyledonaeOrdo : PolycarpiceaeFamili : AnnonaceaeGenus : AnnonaSpecies : Anona muricata LinnKandungan Zat Gizi dan serat pangan buah SIRSAT / 100 gram BDD dapat dilihat pada tabel dibawah ini: Energi 65,00 kal Protein 1,00 gr Lemak 0,30 gr Karbohidrat 16,30 gr Kalsium 14,00 mg Fosfor 27,00 mg Serat 2,00 gr Besi 0,60 mg Vitamin A 1,00 RE Vitamin B1 0,07 mg Vitamin B2 0,04 mg Vitamin C 20,00 mg Niacin 0,70 mg Manfaat sirsat bagi kesehatan untuk terapi, antara lain pengobatan batu empedu, anti sembelit, asam urat, dan meningkatkan nafsu makan. Sirsat merupakan sumber vitamin C yang baik sehingga dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Mengkonsumsi buah sirsat dapat memperlambat proses penuaan, sehingga bermanfaat sebagai obat agar awet muda. Selain buahnya bagian lain dari tanaman sirsat juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengobatan, antara lain daunnya dapat digunakan untuk mengobati sakit pinggang dan daun mudanya dapat digunakan untuk mengobati bisul. --------------------------- jadi buat kamu2 yg peduli kesehatan, fahmi anjurkan minum jus sirsat rutin tiap hari ;) Labels: life
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by Eddy Fahmi
coba klik url ini: dari sono kita bisa belajar sesuatu, ato dapet ide2 kreatif yg mmmmm... hehehehh... yah pokoknya cihuy lah :D Labels: howto, internet
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
Pronunciation[Hip-po-pot-o-mon-stro-ses-quip-pe-da-li-o-phob-i-a] EtymologyCombination of elements suggesting largeness or length, deliberately forming a word likely to induce the fear it denotes: hippopotomonstro- (irregular blend [influenced by connective -o-, from French, from Latin, from Greek—connective vowel of most nouns and adjectives in combination] of hippopotamus and monstro-, from Latin monstr-, monstrum, monster) + sesquippedalio- (incorrectly formed from sesquipedalian or Latin sesquipedalia, things one and a half feet long) + -phobia, from phobia NounThe fear of long words Synonymssesquipedalophobia In the book Useless Knowledge, this enormous word was misinterpreted by the authors as two words, causing them to list the fear of long words as the following: - hippopotomonstroses - and quippedaliophobia further distortions of an already very incorrectly formed word (see Etymology above)! joke
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Fishy Fish & Creative Improvement
by Eddy Fahmi
The Japanese love fresh fish. However, the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades. So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever. The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish were not fresh. The Japanese did not like the taste. To solve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen and they did not like frozen fish. The frozen fish brought a lower price. So fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks, fin to fin. After a little thrashing around, the fish stopped moving. They were tired and dull, but alive. Unfortunately, the Japanese could still taste the difference. Because the fish did not move for days, they lost their fresh-fish taste. The Japanese preferred the lively taste of fresh fish, not sluggish fish. So how did Japanese fishing companies solve this problem? How do they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan? If you were consulting the fish industry, what would you recommend? How Japanese Fish Stay Fresh? To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tanks. But now they add a small shark to each tank. The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively state. The fish are challenged. Discussion Points: It is better to jump into challenges, rather than avoiding them. Beat the heck out of them. Enjoy the game. If your challenges are too large or too numerous, do not give up. Failing makes creates fatigue. Instead, reorganize. Find more determination, more knowledge, more help. Meet your goals head on then set some bigger goals. Once you meet your personal or professional needs, move onto goals for your group, the society, even mankind. Don't create success and lie in it. You have resources, skills and abilities to make a difference. Put a shark in your tank and see how far you can really go! Labels: life
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hawking cracks black hole paradox
Monday, July 19, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
kamu2 yg pernah baca buku 'a brief history of time' ato 'black holes, baby universe and other essays' tulisannya professor stephen hawking pasti udah ngerti bener kalo yg namanya black hole itu material super padat yg punya gravitasi super kuat n bisa menyedot segalanya (termasuk photon), nggak ada sesuatu pun di dunia ini yg bisa lolos dari black hole. nah ceritanya barusan ini hawking nemu teori baru yg sama sekali beda. sekarang terbukti bahwa black hole masih bisa melepaskan 'informasi', ato ada 'sesuatu' yg bisa keluar dari black hole. apa itu? belom tau... kita tunggu hasil konferensi ilmuwan di irlandia, hawking bakal presentasikan hasil temuannya disono. science
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by Eddy Fahmi
hey buddies, ada search engine baru neeh.
tapi fahmi belom banyak ngincipi, jadi belom ketauan seberapa sakti dia.,3605,1260983,00.html
Blinkx has two selling points. First, it doesn't only search the web but simultaneously scours news sites, emails, attachments and your own hard disk. It does all this unobtrusively in the background until you pass your cursor over icons at the top or bottom of the page, when it reveals a digest of related sites as well as material from Word, Excel or PDF files. If you are working in a word processing document, it provides the same service.
It also searches blogs. This function has just been added because Malik suggested it would be a good thing to do. "I didn't appreciate the significance until he wrote the article and then I thought, 'Right, I get it'," she said disarmingly. Blinkx can also search digital TV on the internet, which, in practice, means video output from the BBC. Why? "Because the BBC posts its digital TV free on the internet."
Both Google and Microsoft are working on unified engines that search your desktop as well as the web, and some others already do it. But Rittweger believes Blinkx is the only one that offers all these facilities including video search now. So the company has a window of opportunity in a market where consumers can switch allegiance with two blinkx of an eyelid.
The second selling point is that, unlike Google, it uses artificial intelligence to rate stories, not page rankings. "What it is trying to say," she explains, "is that all words are not equal in a sentence... Quite critically, if you are looking at a document and trying to figure out what it means, Blinkx reads everything you are reading and sorts out what are the key ideas."
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senen ancurrr...!
by Eddy Fahmi
pagi ini fahmi udah semangat ngantor! ada beberapa ide animasi kreatif yg mo dibikin. sayang, pagi2 ngecek imel timed out terusss... mail server di-ping juga error. walah, ternyata mail servernya tewas weekend kemaren :( milis2 pada bouncing semua.
udah lapor mas ucup sang admin, mail server udah diberesin. tapi ya tetep aja jengkel, imel2 penting ikut bouncing.
setengah sembilan pak san ngajak meeting. bla bla blah... ngobrol macem2 sampek jam 10 nggak selesai juga :( duh, padahal kerjaan animasi intro harus naik upload siang nanti abis makan siang. meeting baru selesai jam 11. start mo ngebut intro. sejam bisa selesai nggak ya?
aduh! servercd tempat file intro jebol... :(
keliatannya ada yg nggak beres di filing systemnya, untung ada mas ucup, aries, ama sugeng yg mau bantuin rescue data2 di server. tapi ya tetep aja servercd belom sembuh sampek tulisan ini diposting. artinya, animasti intro nggak jadi dikerjain.
boss anang marah2, server ancur, kerjaan nggak beres, QC proyek JRP juga nggak jadi. hahahaahhh... emang kapan boss anang nggak ngomel2 coba? kalo pun lagi nggak ada masalah dia juga tetep bisa ngomel kok.
sekitar jam setengah tiga sore, temen2 marketing minta di-burn-kan sonic 30 keping untuk jam tiga sore! hah? setengah jam 30 cd? minta burn kok mendadak.
guess what, file sonic juga disimpen di servercd, woohooo...!
lebih sial lagi, person in charge untuk proyek sonic tuh benernya eka, and hari ini dia nggak masuk, entah kenapa :(
untung aries berhasil rescue data2 sonic, fuuhhh... :p
eh udah kerja kenceng kayak gitu, ternyata cetakan label ama casingnya belom siap, mo komentar gimana lagi coba?
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communication is not easy
Friday, July 16, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
hari ini dapet imel menarik dari milis boulder-community
Communication is not easy!
(Half Century of politeness)
An elderly couple celebrated their golden anniversary after long years of marriage. While eating breakfast together, the woman thought," For fifty years I've always been considerate of my husband and have always given him the crusty top of the breakfast roll. Today I want finally to enjoy this delicacy myself" She spread the top part with butter and gave the other part to her husband Contrary to her expectation, he was very pleased, kissed her hand, and said...
"My darling, you've just given me the greatest joy of the day. For over fifty years I have not eaten the bottom part of the roll, which is the part I like best. I always thought you should have it because you like it so much"
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Renault F1 game 2004
Wednesday, July 14, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
pertama kali ngincipi, fahmi dapet 55 detik di silverstone :D heheheh... padahal yg paling kenceng bisa 36 detik!
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what color is my brain?
Tuesday, July 13, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi

What Color is Your Brain? brought to fahmi by Quizilla
At work or in school: I work best by myself. I like to focus on my ideas until my desire for understanding is satisfied. I am easily bored if the subject holds no interest to me. Sometimes, it is hard for me to set priorities because so many things are of interest.
With friends: I may seem reserved. Although my thoughts and feelings run deep, I am uneasy with frequent displays of emotion. I enjoy people who are interesting and of high integrity.
With family: I am probably seen as a loner because I like a lot of private time to think. Sometimes, I find family activities boring and have difficulty following family rules that don't make sense to me. I show love by spending time with my family and sharing ideas and interests.
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money slips through my fingers
Monday, July 12, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
si adi* kerja jadi pegawai di kota surabaya, sebulan digaji sejuta. menurut adi, pendapatan segitu nggak cukup. pas-pasan. nggak bisa nabung.
kemudian adi nyebar lamaran ke perusahaan2 yg lebih gede. adi diterima di salah satu perusahaan gede. gajinya lumayan, naik jadi 1,7 juta. tapi panghasilan segitu masih belom cukup. adi kan hidup si surabaya, gaya hidup mahal.
lompat ke beberapa perusahaan lain, adi akhirnya dapet kerjaan di salah satu perusahaan multi nasional di jakarta. sebulan penghasilan adi 3 juta. cukup? belom juga.
adi berusaha nyari penghasilan tambahan. mulai bisnis kecil2an. dagang barang2 hasil kerajinan tangan macem patung, anyaman, lukisan, sampek kain. ternyata penghasilan tambahan ini butuh kerja tambahan juga, pengorbanan tambahan. akhirnya adi jatuh sakit, nggak kuat lagi kerja dobel.
penghasilan nambah, ternyata pengeluaran juga nambah. mo naik sebanyak apa pun penghasilannya, pengeluaran juga akan tetep ikut naik juga. lingkaran setan yah? trus gimana mo nabung coba?
trus si adi konsultasi ke salah seorang temen yg bisa dibilang bijaksana. si temen ngasih saran adi buat nambah amalnya. selama ini emang adi hampir nggak pernah ngeluarin duit buat amal, paling beberapa keping uang logam buat pengamen di jalan biar mobilnya aman.
solusi yang disarankan temen bijaksana ini aneh, orang kekurangan duit kok disuruh nambah pengeluaran. jadi lebih miskin donk? hehehe... dan pengeluaran tambahan ini minimal 75.000 per bulannya, lebih boleh, kurang nggak boleh.
ajaib! setelah beberapa bulan beramal, adi bisa nabung. tanggal tua udah nggak makan indomie lagi, mo jajan nasi goreng juga masih berlebih duitnya.
ganjil? sebenernya nggak juga sih... imam2 selalu menganjurkan manusia untuk beramal, dengan beramal itu manusia nggak jadi lebih miskin karena uangnya berkurang, justru jadi lebih kaya.
masih nggak percaya? coba sendiri aja deh... amalnya nggak perlu banyak2 cukup 2.5 persen dari penghasilan. pokoknya tanggal 1 abis gajian langsung potong 2.5 persen buat amal. kalo emang bener2 ikhlas dijamin deh nggak bakal krisis moneter lagi.
selamat mencoba ;)
* nama samaran
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browsing browsing newscientist lagi
Thursday, July 08, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
Robotic wheels that just keep rolling
A gaggle of miniature robots are falling over themselves in a Japanese lab. But they are not malfunctioning: it is the way they have been designed to move. The wheel-shaped robots, which are just 4 centimetres in diameter and 1 centimetre thick, were built by Shinichi Hirai and Yuuta Sugiyama at Ritsumeikan University in Kusatsu. The robots propel themselves along by continuously altering their shape. Shape memory alloys store energy in the form of stresses in their crystalline structure. Passing an electric current through the spokes heats them up, releasing this energy and making them shorter. Allowing them to cool then returns the spokes to their original state.
Evolution could speed net downloads
Internet download speeds could be improved dramatically by mimicking Darwin's evolution to "breed" the best networking strategies, say computer scientists. Transferring popular data across the internet repeatedly can be inefficient and costly, so networking companies have developed ways of temporarily storing, or "caching", data at different locations to reduce costs and increase download speeds.
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calo tilang
Wednesday, July 07, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
calo tilang, menurut kamu mereka mengganggu ato membantu?
minggu kemaren fahmi kena tilang gara2 ketangkep polisi yg lagi nongkrong di warung, sebel :p
waktu itu fahmi nggak titipin denda-nya lewat pak polisi, soalnya pengen tau sidang tilang itu kayak gimana.
trus kemaren jadwalnya sidang di pengadilan negeri surabaya, jalan arjuno. aduh, belom sempat parkir udah diserbu calo! calo2 yg di luar itu nyebelin banget, kasar, nggak tau aturan, mengganggu lalu lintas.
sampek di dalem, ternyata rame, antri. gila, bisa seharian di pengadilan nih. masak buat urusan sepele macem gini fahmi harus kepanasan n bengong sampek sore. males ah... kebetulan ada calo lagi yg nawarin jasanya. kalo yg satu ini keliatannya intelek, pake seragam coklat (orang dalam?) and gaya ngomongnya juga nggak maksa, nggak terkesan nyari duit, tapi terkesan pengen nolong.
dengan sopan dia memperkenalkan diri, namanya irawan, dikasih kartu nama segala :p trus dia ngasih tau kalo antriannya lama, denda di tilang fahmi sebenernya cuman 21.000, jadi emang bener terlalu mbuang banyak waktu kalo ikut sidang. walopun sebenernya fahmi pengen tau 'sidang' itu kayak gimana. but berhubung masih ada tanggungan kerjaan di kantor akhirnya sepakat make jasa irawan aja deh, toh dia cuman matok harga 4.000 rupiah.
fahmi nggak ngerti tarip calo tilang disono berapa, tapi uang segitu buat fahmi murah sekali kalo dibandingkan seharian mbolos kerja gara2 ngantri sidang.
irawan bilang sim fahmi yg disita udah bisa diambil di dia nanti jam 3 sore. dan ternyata jam 3 sore bener fahmi ngambil, dia sudah standby di tempat janjian.
calo, buat aparat bisa jadi mengganggu ketertiban, tapi buat orang2 sibuk seperti fahmi jasa mereka sangat membantu.
kalo pun mereka ditertibkan, mungkin para terdakawa juga bingung mo ngurus sidang mereka di pengadilan soalnya sama sekali nggak kenal lingkungan pengadilan. dengan bantuan calo, mereka nggak perlu pusing dengan semua itu, bayar 4.000 rupiah, tau beres :p
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Tuesday, July 06, 2004 by Eddy Fahmi
About Competition
Every day somewhere in Africa,
A gazelle wakes up,
It knows it must run faster,
Than the fastest lion around,
Lest it be eaten.
Every day somewhere in Africa,
A lion wakes up,
It knows it must run faster,
Than the slowest gazelle around,
Lest it starve to death.
Every day it does not matter,
Whether you are a lion or a gazelle,
Because you must run faster,
Than the chores of life!
~Author Unknown~
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browsing browsing browsing...
by Eddy Fahmi
Pop-up program reads keystrokes, steals passwords
A malicious program that installs itself through a pop-up can read keystrokes and steal passwords when victims visit any of nearly 50 targeted banking sites, security researchers warned on Tuesday.
The targeted sites include major financial institutions, such as Citibank, Barclays Bank and Deutsche Bank, researcher Marcus Sachs said Tuesday.
"If (the program) recognizes that you are on one of those sites, it does keystroke logging," said Sachs, director of the Internet Storm Center, a site that monitors network threats. Even though all financial sites use encryption built into the browser to protect log-in data, the Trojan horse program can capture the information before it gets encrypted by the browser software. The browser does not encrypt data between your keyboard and computer. It's encrypting it (when it goes) out onto the web... bla bla blah... artikel lengkapnya baca di:,+steals+passwords/2100-7349_3-5251981.html?
Speed of light may have changed recently
The speed of light, one of the most sacrosanct of the universal physical constants, may have been lower as recently as two billion years ago - and not in some far corner of the universe, but right here on Earth. The controversial finding is turning up the heat on an already simmering debate, especially since it is based on re-analysis of old data that has long been used to argue for exactly the opposite: the constancy of the speed of light and other constants... bla bla blah... artikel lengkapnya baca di:
Camero develops radar system to see thru walls
An Israeli company has developed a revolutionary technology that allows the user to see through walls and can be effectively used for both military and rescue services. Herzliya-based company, Camero, has devised a radar system, based on UWB (ultra wideband) technology that can produce three- dimensional pictures of what lies behind a wall, from a distance of up to 20 metres, a report has said... bla bla blah... artikel lengkapnya baca di:
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hasil kuesioner kemaren
by Eddy Fahmi
responden cowok/cewek jumlahnya kurang lebih sama, 50-50.
umur responden antara 21 sampek 34 tahun, tapi rata2 sekitar 23,4 tahun.
coklat masih tetep jadi snack paling digemari, dibelakangnya ada roti dan keripik. jadi kalo mo bikin warung, cafe, ato tempat nongkrong bentuk lain... kalo bisa jualan coklat, roti n keripik. eh? kalo buat tempat nongkrong kayaknya keripik yg paling asik ya.
makanan utama yg kira bakal paling laku dijual antara lain bakso, sate, burger, n nasi/mi goreng. heh... ternyata kalian doyan sate juga toh.
untuk minuman kopi masih tetep favorit, dibelakangnya ada susu, teh, ama jus buah. tambahan informasi: ada trend baru anak2 sekarang doyan minum bubble drink, yg materialnya antara lain teh, susu, dan buah2an.
36 banding 9, responden ngaku doyan es krim!
trus tempat nongkrong kayak gimana yg asik menurut para responden? pilihan paling banyak ternyata di tempat yg rame, ada live musiknya, selain itu kalo bisa punya sofa yg lebar ato tempat duduk empuk.
genre musik yg paling banyak penggemarnya easy listening, pilihan kedua any music is okay, sedangkan no music nggak ada yg milih. jadi sebenernya untuk warung, cafe, ato tempat nongkrong yg lain musik itu perlu, tapi nggak perlu yg terlalu fokus di genre tertentu, cukup yg easy listening aja biar bisa dinikmati banyak kalangan.
weekend ngapain? sebagian besar responden diem di rumah aja, bersih2. sebagian lain malah tidur. kalo enggak ya baca2. ternyata rata2 kalo weekend mereka pada males keluar. cuman ada 1 responden yg doyan nongkrong di cafe kalo weekend, 7 orang yg lain keluyuran entah kemana...
urusan rokok, 90 persen responden nggak ngerokok. jadi kalo mo bikin warung/cafe/tempat nongkrong yg lain, ruangan ber-ac bisa jadi fasilitas yg nyaman :D
trus tempat parkir kayak gimana yg ideal? yg pasti lokasinya nggak jauh dari lokasi cafe, kalo bisa gratis, dan aman. kepanasan ato kehujanan ternyata bukan prioritas utama.
yah... kira2 gitu deh hasil kuesioner kemaren, moga2 informasi ini bisa bermanfaat buat kita2 semua, terutama kamu2 yg pengen buka warung ato cafe hehehe... gut luck!
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mimimama, male, surabaya, addicted to velocity, extreme sports, and adrenaline pumping activities, more...
tutup. shoutboxnya dipindah ke rumah sebelah :D
- Linda | Friday, July 30, 2004 8:02:00 AM
- | Sunday, April 06, 2008 8:58:00 PM
- Linda | Thursday, July 29, 2004 7:33:00 AM
- l3l1 | Thursday, July 29, 2004 12:14:00 PM
- l3l1 | Wednesday, July 28, 2004 10:55:00 AM
- Pinky Fairy | Wednesday, July 28, 2004 2:34:00 AM
- Pinky Fairy | Monday, July 26, 2004 10:31:00 PM
- Pinky Fairy | Monday, July 26, 2004 11:37:00 PM
- Eddy Fahmi | Tuesday, July 27, 2004 2:30:00 AM
- Linda | Tuesday, July 27, 2004 9:57:00 AM
- nma | Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:39:00 PM
- | Friday, November 25, 2005 10:08:00 AM
- | Wednesday, July 11, 2007 6:19:00 PM
- Adityo Hidayat St. Majo Kayo | Wednesday, September 12, 2007 6:52:00 AM
- apriansah | Monday, April 12, 2010 3:59:00 PM
- Linda | Friday, July 23, 2004 7:45:00 AM
- Eddy Fahmi | Friday, July 23, 2004 8:59:00 AM
- Pinky Fairy | Thursday, July 22, 2004 11:36:00 PM
- Eddy Fahmi | Thursday, July 22, 2004 11:55:00 PM
- l3l1 | Friday, July 23, 2004 9:19:00 AM
- Eddy Fahmi | Tuesday, July 20, 2004 8:46:00 PM
- Bude Judes | Thursday, March 15, 2007 6:19:00 AM
- l3l1 | Saturday, July 17, 2004 8:12:00 AM
- pitics | Wednesday, July 14, 2004 1:15:00 PM
- Pinky Fairy | Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:22:00 PM